Aeroflot now allows pets to be transported in the next seat

Aeroflot has pleased pet owners with a new service. Animals can now be transported in the aircraft cabin in the next passenger seat.

The service, which was successfully tested earlier, became available on a permanent basis on all flights of Aeroflot and its subsidiary Rossiya Airlines (SU).

During testing, more than 900 pets have already found a comfortable flight next to their owners. Based on the testing results, the dimensions of the container for transporting animals in business class have also been increased.

The airline allows passengers to transport one animal or bird in a container in the aircraft cabin. The service is available in all service classes: economy, comfort and business. Payment for transporting an animal is carried out at the rate applicable to an adult passenger. Placing a container with an animal is only possible on seats near the window, in accordance with safety rules. The pet must be kept in a carrier during the entire flight.

The total weight of the animal including the carrier should not exceed 15 kg. The maximum dimensions of a rigid container are 50x30x30 cm, semi-rigid - no more than 50x32x30 cm. The carrier must be spacious enough for the animal to stand up to its full height in it and turn around itself. A special handle or loop is required, which will allow the container to be tightly secured with a seat belt. TASS reports this with reference to the airline's press release.